Prairie State Canoeists
A Northeast Illinois Canoe and Kayak Club
Date(s): March 15, 2025 Leader: Bill Kessler Co-Leader: Location: Izaak Walton Center, 899 Jay Street, Elgin, IL Details:
It’s the Ides of March, but that doesn’t scare us. Bring your calendars with the dates and rivers that you want to paddle, can paddle, can lead a trip on. We need more--many more--one-day trips on Saturdays and Sundays so that those of us with week-day jobs can get out there, maybe even bring our kids and grandkids. Experienced paddlers will share their knowledge. Our web site accepts trip listings all year, but let’s get some adventures on the books!
The potluck lunch starts at noon and is optional. The meeting starts at 1:00 PM. There will be a board meeting beginning at 10:00 AM; members are invited to observe.