Prairie State Canoeists
A Northeast Illinois Canoe and Kayak Club
Date: Sunday Aug. 6, 2017 Leader: Dave Watts Co-Leader: Susan Allman
Location: Avon, WI Skill Level: Advanced beginner Category: Day trip Details: TRIP IS STILL ON !!!
This adventure starts with a 4 mile stretch of the Sugar River, beginning in the 'Bottoms' area' and has the potential for deadfall (climbing over/around/through - thus the "adventure" part) and, if taking the wrong channel, could cause back tracking. Once through this stretch, the remaining 8 miles is fairly open to Yale Bridge. Good boat control a must. Pack a lunch, bring a beverage, and always your PFD. Car shift 9:30. Maps to the put-in available upon request. You must register for any last minute updates.