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Prairie State Canoeists

A Northeast Illinois Canoe and Kayak Club

Turtle Creek

  • 2016-04-03
  • E Beloit


Registration is closed

 Sunday, April 3, 2016 
Leader:  Harry Meyen
Co-Leader:   Susan Allman
Location:  Turtle Creek
Skill Level:  Advanced Beginner
Category:  Day Trip
The trip is about 11 miles.  Car shift will be at 10:00 a.m., plan to be there between 9:30 to 9:45 to unload.  The launch is at on O'Reily Road about 400 meters (1/4 mile) east of the bridge in a small forest preserve.  Take out will be in Sweet Allyn Park on the East side of Beloit.  PFD's required.  Bring lunch, water & dump bag.

Directions to the launch: Take I-39 North to I-43, get off at Rt. 140 go north about 1/2 mile to Townline Rd., then East about 4 miles to O'Reily Rd. and turn North.  The road turns right after the bridge, and the launch is at the curve in the road.

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